Richard Jones, Kre8 Catering Crisp Ambassador, for Chef Rob Masone.

richard jones


It’s all about the bacon crisp. Even before Richard Jones began working for Chef Rob and Kre8, Richard was in deep, meaningful relationship with the Kre8 Crisp. It is, he says, the most important relationship in his life because it involves a thing of transcendent wonder, beauty and deliciousness. He apologizes deeply to his partner, Jen, for this.

Jen has known and worked with Chef Rob for more than two decades and, one night, Richard decided to join Jen at an event she was working. Chef Rob offered Richard a bacon crisp and it was love at first taste. Richard followed Chef Rob around for two months, staring down with huge puppy dog eyes, saying, “Please give me a job. I need to be around the bacon crisp. I love the bacon crisp. Plllleeeeaasssseeee.

Eventually, Chef Rob relented and brought Richard into the Kre8 family. After a stint working on the as the Counter Monkey in the Wooden Robot, and as a cook on the Twisted Eats food truck, Richard concentrated on the catering side of the business. He eventually worked his way to the position of Flunky Monkey and Warehouse Monkey. When he’s not busy running errands and working upkeep on the Twisted Eats food truck, Richard delights in introducing customers to the joy and wonder of the bacon crisp at any and every Kre8 event possible. “The bacon crisp is one of the easiest things Chef Rob makes,” Richard tells customers. “We have to bring them to every event. If Chef Rob ever shows up at an event without bacon crisps, he gets yelled at. Usually by me.”

Richard is one of the most enthusiastic Kre8 employees and truly enjoys extolling the virtues of whatever he’s passing out that night. When not introducing delicious foods to lucky diners, Richard picks up heavy things, moves them five feet and sits them down gently.

Richard also is the author of “A Dude’s Guide To Babies: The New Dad’s Playbook.” Yes, really. He was a stay-at-home dad for 25 years and counts the fact that his children are A) Still alive and B) Not in jail as validation for his status as a baby expert.